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For want of a news media

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.”

-Vladimir Lenin

“The press is our chief ideological weapon.”

-Nikita Khrushchev

From the founding of our country, freedom of the press has been one of our bedrock American principles. Thomas Jefferson stated that if he had to choose between a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, he would prefer the latter.

But the inherent assumption in ensuring a free press is that the news media will use that freedom to inform the public. No one expects every news organ to be impartial, but the expectation is that collectively the news media will provide the full panoply of information to allow individuals to formulate their own informed conclusions.

But what happens when the news media collectively collude to ensure that only one point of view is prominently provided? We are living the answer.

We now live in a time where almost all of the prominent news media have abandoned any pretense of actually investigating and reporting the news in an objective, or at least thorough, manner. Instead, almost all of the news media follow the same movement leftist script, usually provided either by the far-left New York Times or by the Obama White House itself.

Think this is just right-wing paranoia? Consider the case of reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who has conducted the most in-depth investigative reporting on Benghazi of anyone in all of the news media – only to have her employer, CBS News, refuse to run it [1], claiming that it is “wading dangerously close to advocacy.” This from the news network that employed Dan Rather as its lead news anchor for 23 years.

Need more convincing? How about this gem, tweeted by the Washington Post today:

WaPo Benghazi tweet [2]

In the 1970s, the Washington Post distinguished itself through its impressive investigative reporting on the Watergate scandal and cover-up, reporting that ultimately led to President Richard Nixon’s historic resignation. Now, 40 years later, the same Washington Post is actively participating in a cover-up of what now appears to be one of the biggest presidential scandals in American history.

While an American ambassador was being murdered by international terrorists, President Obama went to sleep, and his Secretary of State denied that ambassador any military assistance. The next day, his administration disseminated a completely fabricated account of events – a story that we now know the administration knew to be false at the time. And on the day after the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, President Obama went to Las Vegas for a campaign fundraiser with Beyonce’.

Rather than investigating a president and administration that engaged in bold-faced lies to cover-up malfeasance that may have resulted in the deaths of American citizens, the Washington Post belittles those who search for answers and seek accountability. Bob Woodward, call your office….

So, what happens when virtually the entire news media collude to protect a corrupt or incompetent president and his administration based on ideological sympathy? He gets away with it, and justice is denied. But then, that’s how this unqualified president was elected and reelected in the first place.