- Bearing Drift - https://bearingdrift.com -

So Which Would You Choose?

So your wife has just given birth to your newborn baby.

Do you (a) go home and look in awe and wonder at God’s little creation, and remark on how lucky you are to raise this little life in this big world?

Or do you (b) pull the car over and rush into a Democratic fundraiser while leaving your wife and newborn in the car?

Guess which one T-Mac chose? [1].

The next time Terry McAuliffe has the audacity to talk about caring for people remember one thing. Cuccinelli is the man who will stop while driving to a political event to help a man in a burning vehicle, while Terry McAuliffe is too caught up in politics to care more about his wife than politics just minutes after she gives birth.

Read it all.  Willie Deutsch is producing some fine writing these days.