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Virtucon: The Anti-Pete Snyder Videos — Inaccurate and Illegal

Jim Riley over at Virginia Virtucon has cracked the case [1]:

To put it bluntly, these videos are both inaccurate AND illegal.

Clearly, someone (and by that I mean a rival Lt. Gov. campaign) has the money and motive to put these out.  Do we know which campaign?  Well, we have it down to 99.9% certainty on that based upon a variety of factors including a slip-up that the campaign in question made in sending one of those videos to us here.

Looks like we will have a name and evidence shortly… in the meantime, the party over at Virtucon wants to know: who do YOU think was behind the anti-Snyder videos? [2]

Having trouble embedding the link… so just click on the bold text and head on over…

One will note that the anti-Snyder videos are almost identical graphics to the anti-Lingamfelter slicks that were condemned in the mail this week.