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VaRight: Is Terry McAuliffe’s Website Being Maintained with Abortion Tax Dollars by Planned Parenthood?

Ruh-roh, Shaggy…

Now the value of volunteer work is exempt, if my non-lawyer reading of the laws is correct. But everything else must be reported. And while most political junkies look into the cash donations, a lot of times the in-kind donations go unnoticed. A friend or supporter who caters an event for free must be reported as an in-kind contribution. And most political campaigns routinely benefit from this type of donation and Democrat Terry McAuliffe is no exception.

But while looking through the in-kind donations for McAuliffe, I noticed three rather significant donations totaling $42,739 from Planned Parenthood – a pretty shocking number for 2013 and his second largest in-kind donation.

These donations, if you click on them, show the donations were for Website Services and Staff Time.

Read it all [1].