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Terry McAuliffe’s Attempt At A Contrast (Or: There, I Fixed It)

Terry McAuliffe thinks Virginia’s going to fall for his hustle. While McAuliffe’s campaign can’t be bothered to return calls [1] to the website his car company is suing [2], they sure can come up with a new attempt to con people out of their hard earned money is to try and play boogieman with Ken Cuccinelli’s donors.


Turn to your right, crane your neck, and squint.

If you want to know where Cuccinelli’s funders are coming from, that’s where you’ll have to look — and even then, you may need a good pair of binoculars.

Blah blah blah…

It’s typical. “OHS NOES, we’re going to be tossed back into the stone ages of the 2000s! We need money by the end of the month! YIKES!!!!”

The last few years have seen political fundraising emails get more and more over the top. Countless emails are hitting the inbox with the subject “Hey” or “…” and maybe 50 words of highlighted text that only ask for money.

And this stuff works. Really.

But Terry’s kinda missing the mark with this email. I mean, there’s so much more he could be doing here. So in an effort to fix it, may I present the following:


Sniff the air. Do you smell that?

No, you didn’t step in anything. That’s the reek of Terry McAuliffe’s donors and the kind of campaign we’re going to see over the next six months.

Just last week Terry McAuliffe’s campaign told the Washington Post that events in rural Virginia are where “there are more Confederate flags than there are undecided voters.”


You could smell that horseshit from a mile away.

I’ve set a goal of raising $75,000 before the end of April. Will you donate $5 today and help us defeat McAuliffe’s Beltway insiders, Hollywood moguls, fat-cat bankers, and Big Labor donors who are trying to buy the Governor’s Mansion? [3]

C’mon, guys. Are we really going to let TERRY MCAULIFFE become our next governor?

Thanks for helping shovel out TMac’s crap.

Jason Kenney
Director of Awesome
Plank-of-Wood-With-A-R-Stapled-To-It for Governor

There, Terry. I fixed it. You’re welcome.