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UPDATED: Things To Look For in the LG/AG Cash Totals

Obviously, folks are going to be chiming in with their financial statements this afternoon.  Some key things to watch:

1.  Cash raised vs. cash on hand:  These two matter.  If you’ve raised $500,000 but only have $25K on hand?  You’re in trouble.

2.  $500,000 in total funds raised is probably the bar to being competitive.  If a candidate has not raised at least this figure in combined assets, consider their bid for public office over.

3.  Look to see who trumpets a grassroots organization.  Corey Stewart trumpeted an initial ground game of 14 when he first announced.  Not a bad start.  Don’t let them get away with “thousands of volunteers” either — find out how many paid staff they have actually doing boots-on-the-ground work.

4.  Campaigns are going to need about $100K in COH to last the next month.   If they don’t have that, then look for the explanations as to how they intend to raise another $100K in the next two weeks.

5.  Watch the endorsement rollouts.   Jim has already mentioned one potential killer endorsement [1] — more are on the way.

The only outlier to all of these considerations?  Bishop E.W. Jackson… who has defied all of these metrics to date and remains within the top tier.

Based on these… we’ll update the Virginia Big Line accordingly!

UPDATE:  First one in?  Corey Stewart…

 Lieutenant Governor  Total Raised  Raised This Quarter  Total COH
 Corey Stewart  $703,894.99  $146,204.75 (3rd)  $363,087.95 (1st)
 Pete Snyder  $730,000  $276,814.72 (1st)  $178,647.98 (2nd)
 E.W. Jackson  $114,259.00 (5th)  $31,235.19 (5th)
 Scott Lingamfelter  $72,298.95 (6th)  $26,948.95 (6th)
 Susan Stimpson  $127,638.09 (4th)  $70,219.00 (4th)
 Steve Martin  $12,585.01 (7th)  $1,684.15 (7th)
 Jeannemarie Davis  $256,620.76 (2nd)  $151,354.50 (3rd)
 Attorney General
 Rob Bell
 Mark Obenshain

UPDATE x2: Newly added rankings as to 1st thru 7th place.

UPDATE x3:  Interesting big checks: Susan Stimpson loaned herself $30K, while Tom Davis cut a $100K check to JMDD.  Still, that’s real money in the bank, folks… but without it, Stimpson only raises as much as Lingamfelter, and JMDD is comparable to Stewart and Jackson on their own.

Should have some $100 and under contribution numbers shortly, folks.