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Et tu, ACU?

According to the New York Times [1], the American Conservative Union — the hosts of CPAC and legendary compilers of voting records — “…has formed a partnership with business lobbyists to tame the activists who have pushed Republican leaders in Congress to adopt some of the most austere spending limits in decades.”

In other words, the ACU is working against those folks who want smaller, less costly government. You can read the proposal the group has been circulating to industry representatives here [2]. The upshot of it all?

…the union is offering to use its grass-roots organization, annual conference and movement clout to lobby against cuts to federal military and infrastructure spending.

What to make of all this? As the article notes, this is not the first time the ACU has looked to cash in on its clout.

The real question is this: are defense and infrastructure spending things conservatives should seek to exempt from budget cuts? And is defending both from reductions an example of conservative values?

If the answer is “yes” to both, then DC conservatives, at least, have debased their own currency more than I thought.