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Cuccinelli and McAuliffe campaigns try their hands at being April Fools

Yesterday was a fairly slow news day — so slow that the April Fool’s Day exchanges between the Cuccinelli and McAuliffe campaigns garnered a bit of local TV time. And a little commentary from yours truly:

There’s nothing wrong with having a bit of fun with social media, particularly on a day when tongues are usually planted in cheeks. But it’s also tricky. Not everyone is going to get your jokes. Worse, someone might take your April Fool’s jab seriously and run as fast and far as they can with the story before they realize your were having a laugh (while trying to make a serious point).

Still, it is somewhat heartening to see the campaigns are able, if for only a very brief time, to attempt a lighter tone. It may be the last such instance of levity we shall see between now and November.