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Glenn Davis is in for Iaquinto’s Seat

After the suddenly announced, and somewhat surprising, retirement of Del. Sal Iaquinto (R-84), we now have our first official candidate to replace him, Glenn Davis. Bearing Drift reported first [1] that potential contenders for the seat would be Glenn Davis, Dennis Free, and Ben Loyola.

Davis, a Virginia Beach City Council member first elected in 2008, faced opposition in his 2012 re-election campaign from former Republican candidate for US Senate David McCormick. Davis defeated McCormick  57%-42% on November 6. McCormick had the support of the Tea Party-affiliated Conservative Coalition, while Davis, the incumbent, was endorsed by many long-standing office holders. Among some conservative circles, Davis’s support for including the Light Rail question on the November ballot was a contentious issue.

Davis describes himself as a common-sense conservative, a small businessman, and an entrepreneur.

Now that Davis is in, will others step in the ring?