Galactic Reaction to Jedi Mind Meld

During a Friday press conference, President Obama used the phrase “Jedi mind meld” to speak of the need for an agreement on the sequester. [Washington Post]

Just in case you’re not geek enough to see the problem it’s “Jedi mind trick” (Star Wars) and “Vulcan mind meld” (Star Trek).

Reactions around the galaxy were swift. This is not the leader we’re looking for.

Who was that pointy-eared bastard?
Shut off that damn noise! Go to yellow alert!
You want a fight, Mister, I will give you one.
I don’t know how you do it. All those voices talking at once. You must get terrible headaches.
Well, isn’t that a surprise. You’d think they would’ve come up with something a little more imaginative this time.
Today is a good day to die.
Stopped they must be; on this all depends.
Your powers are weak, old man.


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