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The President and Evil Rich People: A Photo Essay


Speaking to Al Sharpton regarding the sequester President Obama said of Republicans, “My sense is that their basic view is that nothing is important enough to raise taxes on wealthy individuals or corporations, and they would rather see [billions in sequester cuts to social programs]… That’s the thing that binds their party together at this point.”

H/T HotAir [2]

With all due respect, my sense is that the President is full of it.

Last weekend, with the sequester looming, Obama went to Florida to golf with Tiger Woods.
The Plantation Estate on Kailua Beach, Oahu, Hawaii.

In January, after cutting his Hawaii vacation short to “fix” the fiscal cliff, Obama returned to Oahu to finish his vacation.  H/T USNews [5]

The cost of these two trips to Hawaii to American taxpayers was an estimated $7 million.

Michelle Obama’s inaugural outfit by New York designer Thom Browne had an estimated retail price of $10,000.
Mrs. Obama’s inaugural gown by designer Jason Wu carried a retail cost of $5,000.

You were saying, Mr. President?

Look, I know the arguments will come back that Presidents need vacations and “Republicans did it, too.”  Maybe so.  But they didn’t enjoy all the privileges and luxuries of being rich while demonizing the people who actually earned their money.

Calvin Coolidge once said “Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.”

Today we have a President hell bent on pulling down the strong so that we may all be equally weak.