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It’s a Little Early For Valentines Day, Isn’t It?

First, let me play a bit of music just to set the mood:

…and just as we speculated here on Bearing Drift first (and got attacked by just about every RINO in Virginia), the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports via headline — McAuliffe praises Bolling on job creation, sees him as potential appointee [1]:

Bolling, the lieutenant governor who withdrew from the GOP nominating race for governor against Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli late last year, is toying with an independent run for the Executive Mansion. He was the first to speak at the breakfast and left before McAuliffe arrived to deliver remarks to the group.

But when he did speak, Bolling didn’t sound like he was ready to shelve his gubernatorial aspirations just yet. Remarking on a brochure for the breakfast that had pictures of McAuliffe and Cuccinelli, the Republican nominee, on the cover, the lieutenant governor quipped:

“You might have to create a third box — I just don’t know,” he said.

McAuliffe did not back off the Bolling offer in comments after the breakfast.

“If he would like to stay involved and help me create jobs, I would welcome any opportunity,” he told the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

“He’s got a lot of great experience in this field. Listen, I don’t want to insult him… but I’d be open,” McAuliffe added.

“My cabinet would be a mixture…at the end of the day, who is going to help us move Virginia forward? He’s got very good ideas on business and economic development. I’d love to be involved with him to do it,” he continued.

So what precisely did T-Mac and Bolling discuss over their private meeting?