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GOP Advance 2012: Candidates, hospitality suites, faces in the crowd

 Nicole Riley, Virginia State Director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, who was my co-coordinator of the Victory 2000 campaign in Augusta County.
 What a colorful festival of holiday cheer in the Virginia GOP Senate Caucus suite hosted by Senators Tommy Norment and Ryan McDougle. This was the place to get your sweet fix.
 State Senator Steve Martin of Chesterfield hosted a suite as part of his campaign running for Lieutenant Governor 2013.
 Delegate Rob Bell from Albemarle-Charlottesville was working the lobby area Friday evening as part of his campaign for Attorney General 2013.
 Another Lieutenant Governor candidate, Pete Snyder, had Lt. Col. Oliver North in his hospitality suite signing books and giving his support.
 Bearing Drift correspondents at the Advance.
 Dolores and Trixie
 A dedicated and humble man … Mike.
 Thank you, Congressman Cantor.
 Thank you for your leadership, 7th District Chairman Linwood Cobb.
 U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor with 6th District Congressman Bob Goodlatte who was just elected Chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. Congratultaions!

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
GOP Advance 2012
November 30-December 1, 2012

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