Susan & George Allen: ‘From our family to yours, we wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving’

Thanksgiving message from two well-respected and classy individuals, Susan and George Allen….

Allen Family

This Thanksgiving, we’re so thankful for the men and women of our Armed Services, away from their families. Their dedicated service helps keep America free.

We’re thankful for millions of Virginians and Americans who have supported us and stood with us through the years as we’ve worked for the enduring foundational principles we hold dear.

We’re thankful for the help and prayers of family and friends who’ve made our life journey possible.

And we’re thankful for God’s blessing of America in so many ways.

As we look forward to a brighter future, it’s important to us to reflect on all our blessings, and we’re so grateful for your part in our lives.

From our family to yours, we wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving.

Forever grateful,

George and Susan Allen

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