To the surprise of exactly no one, the Washington Post has endorsed Tim Kaine for Senate. Perhaps because this was not only expected, but a metaphysical certainty, the WaPo’s editorial team seems to have phoned-in their copy from a secure bunker in la-la land:
Mr. Kaine, admired as governor for his straight talk and civility, guided the state sure-handedly through the worst months of the recession. He made judicious budget cuts forced on him by plummeting revenue — for which Mr. Allen is now attacking him — while pursuing goals he’d set as a candidate, including broadening access to early childhood education.
Mr. Kaine’s civility…that’s kind of funny:
And we can’t but help recall Mr. Kaine’s rhetorical happy dance after President Obama’s 2008 victory in Virginia:
“I’m here to tell you folks, Ol’ Virginny is dead. Ol’ Virginny is dead.”
And with those words, Gov. Tim Kaine might have made the stupidest remark of his political career.
Standing at the Virginia Civil Rights Memorial on the grounds of the state Capitol Tuesday — minutes after Barack Obama won the presidency — Kaine managed to insult every state resident who dared to vote for John McCain.
According to Kaine’s logic, now we’re magically no longer a bunch of backwood racists — all because we voted for Obama. As a commonwealth, we’ve suddenly reversed course on our deep desire to burn crosses and bring back Jim Crow laws.
Then again, such views fit in nicely with the WaPo’s blinkered view of Virginia…which, south of Wilson Boulevard, is little more than a collection of extras for “Deliverance.”
And as for Mr. Kaine’s “straight talk,” we’re still waiting for an explanation that requires neither the suspension of disbelief nor rose-colored glasses on why he decided to let convicted double murderer Jens Soering out of a Virginia prison. Perhaps that explanation is waiting in line behind the other whoppers Kaine has unloaded on the campaign trail.
But the Post is not content to let matters end there. As George Allen represents all that the paper’s writers fear and loathe, they decide to go all in:
[Kaine] has refrained from raising questions about Mr. Allen’s character. But when a sitting U.S. senator brandishes a racist term to single out and humiliate a person of color — as Mr. Allen did with the “macaca” episode in his 2006 reelection campaign — the stain is not erased by the passage of six years.
That unscripted moment came from a man with a long-standing fondness for Confederate flags and who opposed a public holiday to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.
In a Congress seized by partisan acrimony, Mr. Allen, who once pledged to knock Democrats’ “soft teeth down their whiny throats,” would be a force for divisiveness. Mr. Kaine, like his mentor Sen. Mark Warner, has the potential to be a deal-maker. That’s more what the Senate needs.
Putting aside the howler that Kaine has never questioned Gov. Allen’s character, what we have here, in three paragraphs, is the full litany of liberal horrors. George Allen is, and always will be in the minds of the good, great and smug, the reincarnation of (Democrat) Pitchfork Ben Tillman. Instead, they prefer the sharp-elbowed dissembler who plucks their strings for more, and more costly, government.
But let’s give the Post credit for one thing: they have set the endorsement bar. It’s rather low, but now we can sit back and see whether the Roanoke Times and Virginian-Pilot will be able to clear it.