Seriously? Tim Kaine won’t commit to supporting Harry Reid?

After Monday night’s debate, Tim Kaine was asked if he would support Harry Reid’s reelection as Senate Majority Leader.

Kaine said:

“It’s too early to talk about leadership questions. That’s not the kind of thing you talk about when you’re a candidate who still has to win a race. I’m not going to be thinking about things after the race. I still have a lot of hard work to do over the next 28 days.” [Weekly Standard]


The man who was the first governor in the nation to endorse Barack Obama…

The man who was DNC cheerleader (and part-time governor) for two years…

The man who is an “unabashed” supporter of the President…

The man who thinks Obamacare and Sequestration are “good ideas”…

Is not willing to commit to supporting Harry Reid?

Granted, questioning whether Reid is fit to serve may be a signal that Kaine hasn’t gone totally off the deep end.

If we could believe him.

Which we can’t.

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