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Should It Be PolitiFact or PolitiFiction?

Many websites, including this one [1], have opined on the veracity of PolitiFact’s conclusions. Most rate it as PolitiFiction.

Even the Republican Party of Virginia has remarked upon its liberal spin [2].

But all the evidence anyone could ever need is contained in one PolitiFact report [3]. This one calls Mr. Chairman’s remarks “mostly true” even after finding and and admitting it is actually completely false. (Be sure to read it in its entirety.)

When the Kaine campaign said, “Allen voted to end Pell Grants for 84,000 students,” Kaine said in a September 12 news release.

PolitiFacts response was;

Allen’s vote would not have cut the overall Pell Grant program; it would have slowed its rate of growth. For that we reason, we rate Kaine’s statement Mostly True.

Remember this the next time someone tries to use PolitiFiction to bolster their argument.

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