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MoveOn.org has a “silver bullet”

MoveOn.org is sending out a fundraising email that claims they have somehow discovered a magic formula to ensure voter turnout.

I think we may have just discovered the silver bullet that could help us win the whole election.

Two weeks ago, we ran a secret test of a new voter turnout method in a state primary election. There were 170,000 voters in the study. We just got back the results, and our new method was 3.7 times more effective, dollar for dollar, than the best techniques used by campaigns today.

They then go on towards the pitch, asking recipients to contribute $5 or more to this great new campaign. Without, of course, telling what the method is, and dissing traditional methods of direct-mail, phone-banking, and going door-to-door.

So, we leave it to you, dear reader, to help us guess the campaign, because those of us at BD are befuddled.

As far as we can tell, the new method might involve an “offer you can’t refuse” – we were sort of clued into that with the use of the term “silver bullet”.

[1]Or, it could be the “illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator!”

Whatever it is, we’re sure the crack-team in the basement of MoveOn.org headquarters were busy cranking out the method on their Apple IIe’s and dot-matrix printers.