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McEachin thinks poor people don’t have access to Walmart or Walgreens

In the latest email flame from the Democratic Party of Virginia (aka, the Titantic) entitled “Outrageous”, we get this gem from State Sen. Don McEachin:

Yesterday activist Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli certified politically motivated and unnecessary building regulations on women’s health clinics in Virginia. Cuccinelli and the state Republicans latest attack in their ideological crusade may result in these clinics having to close. This will leave uninsured and low income women with nowhere to turn for preventive care or access to affordable contraceptives.

* the clinics don’t meet basic health standards that even outpatient clinics must (and you want to perform an invasive medical procedure there?) Geez…who would want that?
* and, uninsured and low income women aren’t capable of going to a drugstore to pick up a $5 pack of condoms.

Send money now to the DPVA to protect women’s rights! Not.

Update: Almost as ridiculous – no, equally ridiculous – is the “eCard” that the Obama campaign is using to fundraise. The Weekly Standard reports [1] that the campaign has a card that says:


“Dear Mom,
“Mitt Romney says he would repeal the Affordable Care Act. So here’s a quick question: Can I borrow $18,000 to help pay for my birth control? Thanks!”

Kudos to the crack team at TWS for discovering that BC pills sell for $9 per month at the local DC Target:

“Birth control pills can be purchased for as low as $9 per month at a pharmacy near Georgetown’s campus. According to an employee at the pharmacy in Washington, D.C.’s Target store, the pharmacy sells birth control pills–the generic versions of Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Ortho-Cyclen–for $9 per month. ‘That’s the price without insurance,’ the Target employee said. Nine dollars is less than the price of two beers at a Georgetown bar.”

So, we propose the mother’s response:

Dear Daughter, no you can’t borrow $18000. I raised you not to be a ho. Hold two aspirin between the knees. It costs $0.30.
Love, Mom