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Radtke endorses Allen

As the Fairfax debate between George Allen and Tim Kaine goes on, this comes across the wire: Jamie Radtke endorses Mr. Allen:

Several weeks ago, I met with George Allen and his campaign manager. I explained the concerns you and I share about his prior record of spending and debt in Washington. As you’ve heard me say many times, “if we don’t deal with spending, nothing else is going to matter.” You know I’m a crusader on this issue.

During our meeting, I said I have always appreciated George Allen’s opposition to higher taxes and his determination to exploit the energy resources we have in our Commonwealth. However, I asked him to define concrete proposals to tackle the looming financial crisis.

In short, I offered an endorsement for George Allen on two conditions. First, he had to put on paper substantive plans to curtail spending and reign in the federal debt. Second, I needed to see him publicly herald those plans in his campaign as a demonstration of his commitment to them. To his credit, he has done both.

Recently George Allen sent me a four-page document detailing short and long term proposals to address spending and debt. Frankly, I was encouraged by what it contained. We would benefit greatly from many of the items he proposes, like capping spending at 19% of GDP, stopping earmark spending, freezing federal hiring, rolling back to 2008 spending levels, blocking Medicaid grants to the states, reforming Medicare to return control to individuals, reforming social security by raising the age for the younger generation to keep it solvent for them, and supporting the REINS Act to stop the very expensive, freedom-robbing overregulation by federal agencies. Since putting his plans on paper, he has promoted it in several public forums – – promising to work toward solving our nation’s financial crisis.

I’ve heard positive reports from several people who’ve seen him promote his plan in private meetings as well as public forums. I’m encouraged by Allen’s substantive proposals, and I believe you will be, too.

Allen’s proposals are far better than the government-driven, tax-and-spend ideas advocated by Tim Kaine and Barack Obama. Nobody should believe that Tim Kaine is fiscally conservative! I have no doubt that Tim Kaine and Barack Obama, if elected again, will destroy our economy through their job-killing Keynesian economics that suppresses individual achievement. You only must look back at the last four years to see the abuse we have taken under their failed leadership. You can read, for yourself, Allen’s positive plan for fiscal recovery here.

Based on George Allen’s newly detailed plans to restore fiscal sanity to Washington, I endorse George Allen. I wanted to write to you, to let you know first. I’m excited about the opportunity to help take this message across Virginia. Voters need to know that George Allen is committed to responsibly and immediately tackling this looming financial crisis.
