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Rasmussen: Romney 48, Obama 45

The daily tracking poll [1] from Scott Rasmussen continues to show Mitt Romney with a slim lead over President Obama. What about the events overseas? Are they driving the numbers?:

…it is way too early to evaluate the political impact, if any, from recent events in the Middle East. Today’s tracking data shows that despite the extensive news coverage of Arab attacks on U.S. embassies, only six percent (6%) of voters consider national security issues the most important during this election cycle. That’s little changed from five percent (5%) before the attacks began. Additionally, voters currently trust the president more than Romney on national security issues by a narrow 46% to 43% margin. That, too, is little changed following recent events.

The economy continues to trump all. And according to Rasmussen, that’s good news [2] for Romney:

Half the nation’s voters now trust Mitt Romney more than President Obama when it comes to dealing with the troubled U.S. economy, the number one issue on their minds as they go to the polls.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters trust Romney more when it comes to handling the economy. Forty-three percent (43%) trust the president more.