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Allen Challenges Kaine over MWAA appointee


The Washington Post [2] calls him the “worst perpetrator of abuse.”

He rejects calls for transparency and has refused to submit a Statement of Economic Interests.

He used taxpayer dollars to fund an upgraded plane ticket [3]so a female companion could accompany him to exotic destinations for conference travel to popular vacation destinations.

He is a Vice President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America.

Governor McDonnell has called for his resignation, citing his lavish spending and potential conflicts of interest between his roles as a union executive and board member of a public body.

He’s taken the Commonwealth to court [4] to keep his personal taxpayer gravy train rolling – and he expects some of his legal fees to be covered by his government employer.

His name is Dennis Martire.

And he’s former Governor Tim Kaine’s appointee to the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority.

So, what does Tim Kaine say about Dennis Martire?

you could hear a pin drop…

Does Tim Kaine think Martire should resign from the MWAA board?

can you hear the crickets chirping?

Today George Allen challenged his opponent to

“publicly call on his appointee, Dennis Martire, to resign from the MWAA Board and end this costly litigation over his dismissal. The fact that unions are one of Tim Kaine’s largest contributors shouldn’t prevent him from doing the right thing. Mr. Martire very clearly has a long record of misconduct, abused taxpayer funds and now his lawsuit against the MWAA Board is spending precious money on litigation rather than transportation. Until what the Washington Post called a “symbol of excess and abuse” is gone, Virginia taxpayers and toll road users will continue to be at the mercy of an unaccountable body that has a record of outrageously wasting public dollars. That is why I again call on Tim Kaine to do what’s right and join Congressman Wolf, myself, the Washington Post and many others in demanding that Mr. Martire end this waste of taxpayer dollars.”

But maybe Tim Kaine already said it best himself:
“If you decline to state your position, I’ve got a pretty good idea what your position is, and that’s the wrong position …for Virginia.” (Ben Pershing, “Democrats Pounce As Allen Won’t Take Position On Pay Discrimination Bill,” The Washington Post’s Virginia Politics, 5/25/12)

So what about it Tim?

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