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Tim Kaine Blames NRA ‘F’ Rating On Sexism?

[1]As I write this it’s Thursday afternoon. I’ve struggled all week to come up with an appropriate subject for the Friday column. Tim Kaine just came through for me.

As you probably know by now, he did not get the NRA endorsement. Shocked much? Me neither.

He’s upset that they even launched a video ad against him. ([LINK] [2])

Really now Tim, when’s the last time you did get an NRA endorsement?

That’s what I thought.

Today I got an email from Timmay. He’s finally figured out why he didn’t get that endorsement. The endorsement that went to George Allen instead.

He wants you to think it’s because he supported women.

Yessirree the NRA, (and by extension, George Allen), is SEXIST.

From the email;

Recently, the NRA started a negative ad campaign against me — circulating mailers, robocalls, and internet ads attacking me for supporting Sonia Sotomayor.

Really? Shenanigans like this [3] from his past probably had a lot to do with it too.

I am proud to have supported Sonia Sotomayor’s historic nomination for the Supreme Court. Justice Sotomayor has a uniquely American story — she went from growing up in a housing project to serving on the highest court in the land. She was one of the most qualified people ever to be nominated to the Supreme Court, and upon her confirmation became the first Latina to sit on the Court.

A little further down we come to this gem;

In the first debate of the Republican primary, George Allen stated that he would have opposed Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation, as well as the confirmation of Elena Kagan — women who now serve with distinction as the Supreme Court’s third and fourth female justices, respectively. (Emphasis mine)

We can all be sure that the NRA and George Allen would have opposed Sammy Sotomayor or Eddie Kagan if they held the same views on gun ownership as their ‘sisters’.

But that’s enough about Tim Kaine and his deplorable 2nd amendment record, let’s take a long-term look at the NRA.

I’ve been a member for years. I also have a fairly respectable collection of their magazine, American Rifleman. I just went to my bookcase and grabbed a random copy, August 1940. A 72 year old NRA publication. It did not take me long to find this paragraph, on page 48. I’m sure there’s more.

The following Sunday found many of the same competitors on the range, plus a number of newcomers, with five events on the card for the day. Dudley Steen walked away with the metallic Dewar, turning in a possible with 25X’s to win the first place medal. Helen Spahr taking place position with 399 and 23X’s. In the four-man team event, …Edwin Cole, Helen and R. J. Spahr, and A. C. Biagi pushed the Sheridan Rifle and Pistol Club banner to victory by amassing a 1593 total…

Now let’s see, 72 years ago a nearly 70 year old organization was welcoming women to compete, on an equal basis, with men in a NRA sanctioned event.

Yet today they are sexist? Yeah, sell that one somewhere else.

Timmay!, just get over it. You’ve spent too much time kissing up to Obama and his liberal agenda to devitalize the second amendment [4] to expect an NRA endorsement now. Virginians with any memory at all know your record on the second amendment.

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While thumbing through this back issue I also found an article on a Rep. Dickstein of New York, possibly the first Democrat to attempt gun control. He actually accused the NRA of treason on the house floor. After a little research on my part you will learn all about it in a future column or article.