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Sexist much, Debbie? Wasserman Schultz Calls Accomplished Republican Women “shiny packaging”

So some of my girlfriends and I were chatting on Facebook today, and let me tell you, we are TICKED OFF.

It’s simple really. As the political season heats up, we are no end of tired of being dumped on, cut down, used and abused by one major political party.

Every time we turn around, it seems all they care about is our reproductive systems, abortion politics and talking about us like the only time we mean anything is when we are doing something to promote “the man” (and you know which man I mean).

You know what? I think it’s time they started recognizing that women are human beings. We are living, breathing persons with diverse interests, careers, lifestyles, and, yes, politics. Some of us are married or dating. Some of us aren’t. Some of us have children. Some of us don’t. We value our relationships, jobs, and hobbies. We are students, entrepreneurs, scientists, humanitarians, authors, teachers, executives, nurse practitioners, PTA presidents, hospice volunteers, moms, mayors, flight attendants, graphic designers, attorneys, and so much more….

We are FED UP with being demeaned by politicians who think they can plan our lives better than we can.

Oh, you thought I was talking about Republican men?

Not exactly…

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Congresswoman and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz provoked this little rant of mine (and the Facebook frustration me and my friends shared) when she referred to women headlining the Republican convention as “shiny packaging” this afternoon. And this is hardly the first time a leading Democratic spokesperson has copped such a demeaning attitude toward American women who don’t share her views. (Remember Hilary Rosen saying Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life”?)

Debbie, are we not “woman enough” for you unless our politics are based exclusively on advocating abortion on demand policies? What if we think that women deserve better than abortion and believe in creating a culture where no woman has to choose between her child’s life and the successful future she wants for herself? What if we want to elect leaders who believe in America? What if we want economic polices that facilitate our personal success and the success of those we love? What if we want to be able to start our own small business without fighting our way through a sea of red tape?

We’ve got news for you, Debbie: The majority of American women are pro-life! We think that women ought to have the opportunity to succeed in the career of their choice, inside or outside of the home. We want to be able to work hard and create our own success stories along with our loved ones. We don’t want the government to pay for (and control) our birth control, our health care, our self-defense options, or futures. And we definitely don’t want big brother to confiscate half of what we earn to pay for its efforts to micromanage our lives and our neighbors lives.

Got it?

Just in case you didn’t, I’ll leave you with the words of a woman who did:

“In reaction against the age-old slogan, ‘woman is the weaker vessel,’ or the still more offensive, ‘woman is a divine creature,’ we have, I think, allowed ourselves to drift into asserting that ‘a woman is as good as a man’ without always pausing to think what exactly we mean by that. What, I feel, we ought to mean is something so obvious that it is apt to escape attention altogether, viz: (…) that a woman is just as much an ordinary human being as a man, with the same individual preferences, and with just as much right to the tastes and preferences of an individual. What is repugnant to every human being is to be reckoned always as a member of a class and not as an individual person.” – Dorothy Sayers, Are Women Human

Maybe the real “war on women” stems from the rather sexist idea that women need Wasserman Schultz to tell them how to think about ‘women’s issues.’