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“Missing the Point” with Soledad O’Brien (Part 2) – reads TPM during broadcast; debates Medicare with Sununu

Yesterday [1], I mentioned how CNN’s Soledad O’Brien – in her desperate attempt to smear Paul Ryan – thoroughly missed the point on entitlements reform.  As it turns out, Newsbusters [2] discovered the probable reason why:

While filling in for Anderson Cooper, O’Brien was actually caught on screen looking at an article from the far-left website Talking Points Memo to assist her in a heated debate with Romney campaign senior adviser Barbara Comstock . . .

NB has a video of the exchange.

If Ms. O’Brien is relying on the TPM folks to inform her worldview, “Missing the Point” could be a long-running series….or maybe she’d just rather put an Obama sticker on her forehead [3]?

Cross-posted to the right-wing liberal [4]