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Democrat Hirschbiel’s education plan: Spend lots more! (and gets it from you)

I’m seeing millionaire boy from New York City Paul Hirschbiel running his tv ads as the Democrat for Congress in the 2nd district, and I’m reading his website about his “Building a 21st Century Education System”

Paul, you didn’t build that.

You want government to build that.

Let’s go through Paul’s bite at the Big Apple of Education:

On Early Education – “We need to expand funding”
On Head Start – “I will never support cuts in funding”
Teacher salaries – “we need to pay them”
Changing state funding of schools “I’ll advocate to our state lawmakers to stop shortchanging our schools.”
Title One schools “I will fight to ensure that we are not cutting funding”

Hirschbiel’s education plan is basically to “start doing everything we can to increase funding.”

What about the cost of college? The guy running for Congress says

“We need additional state funding for our colleges.”

Did he cut and paste that from a website of a candidate for Governor? Or is Hirschbiel ready to command the General Assembly from Washington DC?

16 trillion dollars in debt, and Paul promises to somehow find all this money to give all teachers a giant raise, crank up all this new funding, never make anything more efficient, and get all this new money from……


“We must get our deficits under control and begin to reduce our national debt,” says Hirschbiel on another part of his website.

Apparently, the people who write his different policy promises aren’t talking to each other.

Hirschbiel’s economic strategy is to eliminate debt by spending more? Try that with your family budget, and let me know how it works out.

Or maybe it’s from massive tax increases…

“Achieving control of our deficits will require a balanced approach, one which will require all Americans to take part in a shared sacrifice.”

Watch your wallet! Massive spending promises followed by talk of “sacrifices?” But guess what? He’s not telling you what exactly the sacrifices are! Just that we are all required to sacrifice.

Maybe after the election, he plans on telling us how to eliminate the national debt while keeping his promises of massive spending increases.

Just not while he’s campaigning like a New York Liberal, with more and more spending, more government and vague calls for “sacrifice.”