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Alton, Have You No Shame?

I was asked this by a liberal Facebook friend recently. I had shared an image that apparently caused him to question his loyalties.

Do I Have Shame?

Facebook is not a suitable platform to fully answer you Josh. Let me do so here.

Yes, I am certainly ashamed that the CEO of my country is spending taxpayer dollars, over 1 billion of them, to support an organization that openly espouses the murder of homosexuals, and the complete dehumanization of women. Let’s not even mention what they think of Jews.

And I’m ashamed that people like you want to destroy a man of character like Dan Cathy, yet you stand off to the side and quietly applaud our current President who supports groups like this.

Josh [2], have you no shame? (NOTE: The link is broken, Josh decided to leave Facebook block me rather than defend the homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic group that our President adores.)

UPDATE #2; Politifact [3], in an obvious effort to separate the Egyptian leadership, otherwise known as the Muslim Brotherhood, from the, (is there another?),  Muslim Brotherhood has claimed that somehow financial aid to Egypt is not financial aid to the Muslim Brotherhood. Whatever. Politifact is becoming so irrelevant that I no longer bother to add them to my spell checker.