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Bill Clinton will ruin Obama’s convention

Democrats are destroying Barack Obama, and we get to watch it on national television.

I’ve been surprised how stupid the Democrats and the liberal media have been, giving mostly high marks to the decision to shine a big, giant spotlight on Bill Clinton at the Democrat National Convention.

“Obama needs enthusiastic turnout; Clinton has been known to work a crowd.” says the Washington Post [1].

The truth: All this convention will do is convince a bunch of Americans that they wish they had Bill Clinton instead of Barack Obama. That’s not exactly the message you want your base thinking in the fall.

Look at the current polls. Obama’s favorability is low, from 36% to 49% in recent polls. Bill Clinton’s favorability is 66%. Clinton’s going to squash Obama during the event that is supposed to launch Obama’s campaign into the fall.

Cal Thomas [2]writes “Under Bill Clinton and a Republican Congress, the U.S. economy created 22.7 million new jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since President Obama took office and with an overwhelming majority Democratic Congress in his first two years, the U.S. economy has lost 473,000 jobs.”

Do Democrats really want to get America wishing that they didn’t have Obama as President?

That’s all this convention is shaping up to do – Democrats wishing they had the 1990s and Clinton back in the saddle, and then sighing when all they have is unpopular Barack, an economic train wreck by any measurement, to vote for in November.