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Nanny Bloomberg: Hide the Baby Formula

[1]So, apparently New York Nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn’t get enough ridicule when he set out to ban 32 oz. sodas.

Now The New York Post [2] reports:

Mayor Bloomberg is pushing hospitals to hide their baby formula behind locked doors so more new mothers will breast-feed.

Starting Sept. 3, the city will keep tabs on the number of bottles that participating hospitals stock and use — the most restrictive pro-breast-milk program in the nation.

Okay first, why is this the Mayor’s business?

As the parent of a child born 10 weeks early who couldn’t breast feed I’m thinking the Mayor needs to get a life of his own.

And second, where are the pro-choice women in decrying Mayor Bloomberg’s decision to promote an invasive process on women’s bodies by making it harder to get baby formula in hospitals.

Then again, what do pro-choice women need formula for?

The mind. It boggles.

There’s a boob here. But it doesn’t feed children.

The best response comes in the first comment on the Post article:


Image H/T The Center for Consumer Freedom [4]