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It’s the economy, stupid

While eating my tasty Chick-Fil-A lunch and thinking of ways to increase my carbon footprint, I was mulling over Obama’s latest TV ad.

The one where he promises to raise taxes.

Ok, since Obamacare is a tax, to raise taxes again.

And while looney liberals give us all the reasons in the world to dwell on their more kookey outlooks on life, we have to keep one thing in mind.

It’s the economy, stupid. James Carville made it a mantra in 1992. We should adopt it, too.

I’ve had 3 friends in the last 48 hours lose their jobs. These are jobs they’ve had for a decade. These aren’t seasonal jobs or “it’s all Bush’s fault” lost jobs.

They stayed employed throughout 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and halfway through 2012.

They’re unemployed today. Right now. Forget the talk about 99 weeks of unemployment. They’re on week one.

And it’s Obama’s economy that did it. These business owners hated to let these workers go. They had no other option. They weathered storm after storm, but it just became too much.

So, while Democrats are interested in spending all year calling people bigots for believing in traditional marriage, and calling people sexists for thinking abortions are nothing to celebrate, and calling people racists for opposing a Socialist, we shouldn’t tap dance to the tune.

Fun though it is to point out the pathetic petulance of the progressives who sound so intolerant when they insist on tolerance, we should focus on things that real people care about.

Second quarter economic growth slowed to 1.5% – that’s a 25% drop firm the first quarter of this year.

And Obama’s running a tv ad promising he will raise taxes.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan asked if America was better off than four years ago. Mitt Romney can ask if anyone’s better off than four months ago.

Obama’s economic ideas failed. Stimulus failed. Debt failed. Instead of turning the economy around, he rammed through Obamacare and now wants more taxes from the people.

People want hope and leadership, and Obama’s not taking America anywhere. He’s still whining that nothing is ever his fault.

Mitt, America is ready for new leadership. Don’t be stupid.

It’s the economy.