American Crossroads Video Depicts Economic Impact on Women

The onslaught of political videos continues to hit the airwaves throughout the Commonwealth and in other battleground states.  A recent video produced by American Crossroads PAC is quite powerful for how it depicts the impact of the down economy on women.

“Obama’s War on Women” video is a quick hitting web based production that catches your attention and backs up its basis with hard facts.  What is most eye opening are the facts.  The production talks about how women have been adversely effected during the recession more  than males.  With stats, it shows how women continue to lose jobs at a faster rate.  And, as a counter,  men are hired four times faster than the ladies.  It drives home how the economic policies and decisions of the Obama administration have made it harder for minority women to find employment.  Especially, Hispanic women.  What is most concerning is the point that women have plunged into poverty at a much higher rate.

The American Crossroads PAC is in limited play in targeted states.  A recent short version of this video ran in some television markets of the Commonwealth over the last ten days.

View it for yourself.  More importantly, share it with those who need a reminder of the importance of this year’s election.

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