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Obama supports Voter ID!!!

Want to attend an Barack Obama campaign event? Get your ID ready. You can’t get in without one.

Jessica Kershaw, the Obama campaign’s Ohio Press Secretary, confirmed in a statement to BuzzFeed that the campaign checked every supporter’s identification at the door.

“We checked every ID at the door to make sure it matched with the name on the ticket that supporters filled out,” she said. “We did this for every person who came in.” (Buzzfeed [1])

According to Democrats, that’s a systematic disenfranchisement of minority voters.

State Sen. Richard L. Saslaw (D-Fairfax), who nonetheless thinks the Virginia measure is intended to “hold down minority votes.(WAPO [2])

The Washington Post has opined that ID requirements keep Democrats from showing up, especially minorities.

Requiring IDs makes “voting more difficult for minorities, the elderly and youths – groups that tend disproportionately to lack IDs and to vote for Democrats.” (WAPO [3])”

If the Washington Post is right, Obama’s campaign event rules are designed to keep Democrats away from his events.

Or they’ve been lying all along.

If requiring an ID suppresses Democrats and minorities from showing up, it doesn’t seem like it had that effect in Ohio.


Doesn’t look like disenfranchisement to me.

Obama is enforcing an ID requirement for his events. Will Democrats protest his policy of suppression?

Or will they meekly hide in a corner and whimper, hoping no one calls them on their hypocrisy.