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Deaths, Damage and Disaster in Virginia – where is Obama?

3 million households without power in sweltering, record-breaking heat. Stores out of power. Food spoiling in refrigerators.

Several deaths reported as trees crushed cars and homes.

And where is Obama?

In his air-conditioned White House dining on expensive meals?

Or maybe getting ready for his July 4th activities – political fundraisers in Paris!

The European Obama campaign starts next week in Paris on July 4 with a reception organized by various fundraising heavy-hitters. (Breitbart [1])

Wow! While Virginia families are struggling through a disaster with no power, little food, unsafe water and dealing with destruction, Obama’s campaign is holding fundraisers in France on July 4th.

That leads to a $20,000 per ticket fundraiser for Obama in Switzerland in August.

Over the years, there have been lots of rumors about money from Swiss bank accounts finding its way into political campaigns, but Obama may be the first President ever to offer to pick it up himself!

Democrats have a lot to answer, since they demanded Presidential activity in the face of natural disasters. Obama’s not only nowhere to be found. He’s raising bucks Euro style!

If Bush held campaign fundraisers in Europe during Katrina, what would the left say? What has the left already said?

Democrats equated response to national disasters with racial leanings of the President.

So, what should people in West Virginia, Ohio and Virginia think now that their President’s campaign is spending July 4th in Paris while they suffer?

Shouldn’t Obama shut off the AC in the White House? Shouldn’t he wait in line for bottled water, too? Shouldn’t he empty his refrigerators and live off non-perishables for a few days? Should he go without travel while gas stations go without power to pump gas.

Or should he just fuel up Air Force One and hang with millionaires in France?

Democrats? Hello? Are you watching?