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The Inevitable Scott Lingamfelter


Conservatives rejoice.  Virginia’s next Lieutenant Governor?  Believe it… 

Before Prince William Delegate Scott Lingamfelter (R-31 HOD) tossed his hat in the ring — albeit before his prepared announcement on Thursday of this week — the field for the GOP nomination for Lieutenant Governor was muddied at best.

A cacaphony of potentials (and few contenders) were in the hunt.  Stewart, whose ambitions for the seat were rumored as far back as 2009, had already announced.  Fimian got started with a bang, but bowed out of the race to focus on his business and family.   McWaters continues to flirt with the idea.  State Senator Jill Holtzman-Vogel continues to be rumored to be interested, but that chatter has cooled in recent months after the birth of her new baby.  Jamie Radtke’s unwelcome bid via Facebook has been met with cool disinterest from the potential candidate herself.  A crowded but cool field of customers, to be sure.

State Senator Steve Martin has announced, but the opening salvo from the social conservative crusader was muffled at best.  Which leaves only one major question mark left among the blogerati and Richmond pundit class: when will Delegate Scott Lingamfelter formally announce?

The answer?  Lingamfelter announces this week — and right on the heels of the Obamacare decision from the Supreme Court.

The VMI veteran is a long-known quality among Virginia conservatives, not just for his social conservatism but for his fiscal conservative bona fides as well.  Senior members of the House of Delegates speak very highly of Lingamfelter’s ability to unite the party, and Lingamfelter’s reputation as a fundraiser is well-known across Virginia.

That last part may be Lingamfelter’s strongest point of merit.  As a veteran, as a VMI grad with roots in Richmond and the Northern Neck, and having represented one of the fastest growing localities in northern Virginia, Lingamfelter can not only reach across the NOVA/ROVA divide, but also across the Golden Crescent — I-95 to Richmond and I-64 to Virginia Beach — to the Valley.

No other LG candidate so far is as well known statewide by those who have been in the trenches as Lingamfelter, and his entry does more than shake loose half-heated bids — it forces those who would run to be very serious about what could very well turn into a $1 million bid.

In the meantime, Lingamfelter’s outreach to veteran groups and other GOTV operations for ’12 give him the perfect focus for the future.  An announcement, followed by some hard work for the home team, followed by an aggressive run out of the gate for the ’13 convention spells a lot of trouble for would-be challengers, but most of all Democrats worried about a weak LG candidate up front.

Can you just imaging Democrats going apoplectic knowing they are running against the guy who repealed one-gun-a-month in Virginia?  The same Delegate Lingamfelter who took on voter fraud when the Dems screamed that it was simply not true?  The same pro-life, anti-tax, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-family Army veteran that knows both how to win and how to win smart?

Pretty easy to see why Lingamfelter clears the field now, eh?

The idea of listening to Democrats howl versus a Lingamfelter candidacy for LG is just too irresistible… and frankly, those of you who have watched Lingamfelter operate in the House of Delegates and speak to Republicans in the field, the Army veteran can dazzle a crowd and rile ’em up without question.

Lingamfelter is the real deal for party builders who want a solid conservative ticket in 2013.  Democrats challenge Lingamfelter at their own risk.