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The National Right to Life Convention is Coming…


Most folks don’t know this, but the Virginia Society for Human Life is hosting the National Right to Life Convention in Washington, D.C. [2] (actually, the Hyatt Regency in Crystal City — on the right side of the Potomac) this year from 28-30 June.

What’s interesting is some of the hullabaloo over who may or may not be protesting… VSHL president Olivia Gans-Turner has a bit more:

The NRTL Convention moves around the country every year, but each four years it comes to the DC area to coincide w/ the Presidental elections. It also allows NRLC to focus the attention on the importance of selecting a pro-life president and members of Congress. Virginia will definitely be a battleground state this year so we do need to get busy and get organized here to ensure a solid pro-life win in November.

The main goal of the NRLC Convention is to educate pro-life people about how to do that. The workshops will spell out ways that anyone can make their voice heard and cause change on a critical question like this. How to organize family and friends, churches and clubs into powerful voices to protect innocent human life!

The Virginia Society for Human Life as the Virginia affiliate to NRLC is the host state this year. It is our job to help organize and provide volunteers to help do a variety of jobs at the convention. We line up workshop moderators, audio/ visual helpers, child-care and general go to folks to help the national office staff. It is my understanding that we still do need some volunteers, particularly for child-care.

Generally, there aren’t any counter-protests. I don’t think the pro-abortion forces want to draw attention to the life saving message of this positive event. If any protesters do arrive we do not allow any confrontations because it is not what we are about. This is a peaceful and private gathering of committed pro-life people looking to help the effort top build a Culture of Life across America.

With over 50 workshops over the three-day event the Convention organizers at NRLC try to offer something for everybody, no matter what your place in the movement may be, whether a beginner or leader! Subjects covered include new life saving legislation, grassroots organizing, How to talk to others about the life issues, Planned Parenthood facts, post-abortion help, adult stem cell research, the new Health Care law, preventing euthanasia in America, and political pointers for the year ahead!

Along with 3 general sessions, a prayer breakfast and closing banquet, the hope of all those connected to this one of a kind event is that all who attend will leave energized and restored to do the vital work of the pro-life cause! There is a job for everyone to do and a way that all can make a real difference!

The important thing for concerned pro-life people to remember is that they are needed in this cause and that they do matter. The convention will introduce you to the pro-life family and the part you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” for such a time as this! Come and learn and feel the love!

So there’s your call to arms.  Some of the speakers are Lila Rose from Live Action, Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for Life, Steve Mosher from PRI, and our very own Congressman Eric Cantor.

If your interested, the event is still offering a few spots…