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Walker wins!

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin defeats the recall [1]!

It was the Alamo.

And we won.

A Republican governor in the midst of a very liberal state, facing a very progressive idea: a recall.

And we won.

Union money. Liberal money. Occupy Money.

And we won.

When you have your opponent on the ropes, you knock them out, you don’t let them up.

Yet we won.

Every Republican in the country now is energized. This is what happens when Republicans work together. This was huge.

Democracy has been vindicated.

Let’s do it again in November.

Presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney:

“Tonight’s results will echo beyond the borders of Wisconsin. Governor Walker has shown that citizens and taxpayers can fight back – and prevail – against the runaway government costs imposed by labor bosses. Tonight voters said ‘no’ to the tired, liberal ideas of yesterday, and ‘yes’ to fiscal responsibility and a new direction.”

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus:

“I congratulate Gov. Scott Walker momentous victory in Wisconsin tonight, and I congratulate the people of my home state in defeating the selfish special interests that wanted to take Wisconsin back to the days of Democrats’ failed policies,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

“Wisconsin has given their stamp of approval to Gov. Walker’s successful reforms that balanced the budget, put people back to work, and put government back on the side of the people.

“After tonight’s results, Democrats and the Obama campaign are surely nervous. As Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, this election was a ‘dry run’ for the presidential election. But after President Obama actively avoided Wisconsin and Tom Barrett, one of his earliest supporters, it is hard to imagine how he can now come back to Wisconsin and credibly ask for his party’s support in November. The president abandoned his base in this recall, so he shouldn’t be surprised if they return the favor in November.

“Wisconsin Democrats now head into November dispirited and in disarray, while Republicans remain strong and organized, with momentum on our side.”

Republican Governors Association Chairman Bob McDonnell:

“Tonight, Wisconsin voters rewarded political courage. Upon taking office, Governor Walker fearlessly took on the staunch defenders of the status quo and tackled unsustainable entitlements and long-term fiscal liabilities. Governor Walker closed a $3.6 billion deficit without raising taxes; he ushered in the first property tax decrease in a dozen years; he strengthened schools; and he turned around the state’s economy. His actions have made Wisconsin stronger today, and tomorrow. And they have improved the lives of the citizens of Wisconsin.

Voters are ready for political leaders who are willing to follow Governor Walker’s lead and take on the toughest issues; governing with a greater focus on the next generation than the next election. That’s exactly what Governor Walker has done, and his executive leadership contrasts sharply with the absence of leadership in the White House.

While Governor Walker has reined in the state’s debt, dramatically improved the state’s fiscal outlook and helped the private sector create more than 30,000 new jobs, President Obama has added more than $4.7 trillion to the national debt and proposed more than $1 trillion in higher taxes, and the unemployment rate has exceeded 8 percent for 40 consecutive months.

Governor Walker is proof that voters recognize that the status quo is unacceptable and unsustainable. He has shown there is a better way; a way that leads to prosperity and job creation. Tonight, the voters of Wisconsin have approved of that positive path forward.”