- Bearing Drift - https://bearingdrift.com -

Help us get to 5000 on Facebook – tonight!

We need just a little over 100 likes to get to our goal of 5000 likes on Facebook [1] by midnight tonight!

If we can break 5000, than one of the lucky first 5000 of you will be eligible to receive an item from our Bearing Drift Store [2].

Our Facebook page [1] not only posts things that are found here on the flagship, but also new and noteworthy items that we find throughout the day get posted there. And, it’s a place where we sometimes have completely different conversations on different topics.

It’s a great place to share information and talk to one another. And, we’ll be using it a lot more to promote events, share photos, conduct polls, and all sorts of other cool things.

Be a proud member of the Bearing Drift community and like BD on Facebook [1] now!
