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Who Will The Next Gay Superhero Be?

I’m not one of the cool kids anymore. I bought my last comic about 35 years ago I guess*. I remember sitting in my uncle’s gas station drinking an ice-cold Pepsi from a real glass bottle and reading the latest adventures of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, even Archie and the gang from Riverdale. Sweet innocent days.

Back then I didn’t even know what ‘gay’ was, except for the snickers from people when they pointed to some guy in town named Norman who they said was ‘queer’.

Now I see that DC comics, following the lead of Marvel and Archie comics, plan to introduce a gay character. DC’s publisher Dan DiDio said they [1] “…are about to reintroduce a previously existing DC character who was previously straight and now will be ‘one of our most prominent gay characters’.”

Your mission, Bearing Drift readers, is to discuss who this enigmatic character is likely to be, and why you think so. I’m sure most of you are much more up-to-date on what our superheroes have been up to all these years I’ve been gone.

*UPDATE: To satisfy a discerning reader I’ve actually calculated how long ago it was. 38 years. 1974. I was 18. It was in Fieldale at Joyce’s Drug Store.