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Work Work Work. A President’s Day Is Never Done

Like most political junkies I subscribe to many political e-mail lists. Even those guys I don’t support. Especially those guys I don’t support. You have to know where they are coming from so you can know where you’re going. I’ve been getting a mad rush of e-mails from the Obama 2012 campaign. Maybe flood would be a better term. I’ve been struck by the way too informal formatting of these e-mails, I mean, I would never refer to President Obama as Barack. Mr. President certainly. Mr. Ben Dover maybe. But never the way too familiar and informal Barack.

I just got this e-mail.

Barack Obama [email protected]
reply-to: [email protected]
to: [email protected]
date: Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:20 AM
subject: My last campaign
mailed-by: bounce.bluestatedigital.com
signed-by: barackobama.com

Alton —

In a few days, I’ll be hitting the trail for my last campaign.

Everything we’ve accomplished in the past three years — and our chance to do so much more — is on the line.

What we do today will be a measure of whether or not we’re ready to fight for it.

Donate $3 or whatever you can before tonight’s fundraising deadline.

By pitching in before midnight, you’ll automatically be in the running to join me and George Clooney at his place on May 10th.

It’s not often I can get away from work, so I look forward to spending a fun evening in L.A. with a couple supporters like you.

In the meantime, let’s close out this deadline strong:




Now I’m not nearly as easily shocked as Casablanca’s Captain Renault but this one is the reason I’m using my back-up keyboard while the good one is hanging upside down to let the coffee drip dry.

I added the emphasis above so you can see what caused my coffee spew.

The only people who work less than him are the millions of unemployed he’s created.

According to a new book called The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign by Brendan J. Doherty, due out in July, he has already held more re-election fundraising events [1] than every elected president since Richard Nixon combined. He is also the only president in the past 35 years to visit every electoral battleground state in his first year of office. Contrast: Ronald Reagan apparently did not hold a single re-election fundraising event in the election year of 1984

He has already played more golf [2] than President Bush did in eight years, according to Mark Knoller of CBS Radio, the unofficial White House statistician. My retired uncle may play more, but he works part-time at the golf course in exchange for course privileges.

Remember how Mr. Bush was vilified for playing golf by Michael Moore in the propaganda film, Fahrenheit 911? He quit, saying, “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf… And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”

Mr. Current commander-in-chief, aren’t we still at war?

Now let’s talk vacations. If you work I bet you get one, right? Maybe one or two a year. Sometimes when things are good you actually get to go somewhere. In three and a half years do you get 17 [3]? All elaborate and all at exotic places you could never dream to go.

Over worked my ass. Made me think of this. [LINK [4]]