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(Updated w/Marshall) Roanoke Post-Debate Statements from GOP campaigns

The first Republican U.S. Senate debate between George Allen, E.W. Jackson, Bob Marshall, and Jamie Radtke was held today in Roanoke, Virginia. Posted are post-debate reactions from the various campaigns as we receive them. The Republican primary is June 12. There are two more debates [1], one in Hampton Roads on May 11 and the other in Northern Virginia on May 25.



ROANOKE, April 28 – Delegate Bob Marshall said today (April 28) that he’s the only candidate seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate who has challenged ex-Gov. Tim Kaine, the Democrats’ presumptive nominee, in the public arena – and won.

“I have defeated Tim Kaine repeatedly on major public issues, and I can defeat Tim Kaine again in November,” Marshall (R., Manassas) said during a candidates’ debate sponsored by the Republican Party of Virginia at the Sheraton Roanoke Hotel and Convention Center.

None of the other candidates could make and support that claim in the debate, the first of three the Republican Party is hosting before the June 12 GOP primary election. Others will be held May 11 in Virginia Beach and May 25 in Falls Church.

“Make no mistake about it – the general election in November will be a tough one,” Marshall said, noting that both President Obama, seeking re-election to the White House, and Kaine on the ballot. “On the basis of my record, however, I have clearly demonstrated that I can beat Tim Kaine. I defeated Tim Kaine before, and I can defeat Tim Kaine again.”

Marshall, a conservative member of the Virginia House of Delegates for two decades, has won 12 elections in Northern Virginia, where he usually is targeted by state and national Democrats and always outspent in his campaigns.

In today’s debate, Marshall noted:

• When he was governor, Kaine wanted to force adoption agencies to place children with homosexual couples. Marshall opposed Kaine’s proposal and won.
• In 2007, Kaine, as governor, pushed a proposal through the Virginia General Assembly that created appointed taxing transportation authorities unelected and empowered to establish 14 new taxes in Northern Virginia and Tidewater. Marshall took Kaine in court on the issue, arguing that the law was “taxation without representation.” The Virginia Supreme Court agreed and, by a unanimous 7-0 vote, ruled the law unconstitutional.
• Kaine vigorously defends Obamacare, but Marshall wrote and won General Assembly approval of a law challenging the federal program.
• In 2006, Marshall authored the “one man-one woman” marriage amendment to the Virginia constitution, but Kaine mounted a persistent public campaign against it. Virginia’s voters, however, overwhelmingly approved the public ballot referendum for the amendment.

“No other candidate has successfully opposed Tim Kaine on the very issues that are major parts of Tim Kaine’s political agenda,” Marshall said. “My record means that I will be speaking with a majority of Virginia’s voters in a campaign against Tim Kaine.”


Radtke Shines in GOP Senate Debate, Focuses on Federal Debt

“If we don’t deal with spending, nothing else matters.”

Roanoke, Va. – Former Richmond Tea Party President and Republican candidate for the United States Senate Jamie Radtke set the agenda for the GOP’s primary contest today when she declared in the first of three debates, that: “If we don’t deal with spending, nothing else matters.”

In her opening statement, Radtke told the gathering at the Sheraton Roanoke Hotel and Convention Center: “If we don’t get a grip on spending and start paying down an almost $16 trillion debt, job stability and our economy will be devastated, including the safety nets that are supposed to look after seniors and the disadvantaged.”

Criticizing the record of professional politicians in creating the debt problem, Radtke told the debate: “You and I got to this point because of the fiscal irresponsibility of career politicians in both parties who SAY they want a Balanced Budget Amendment, but then vote for trillions in new spending. I have offered bold, concrete solutions that would actually get us to a balanced budget in five years.”

Jamie Radtke is the only one of the GOP Senatorial primary candidates who is committed to eliminating the federal deficit within five years.

* Her “Two Cents Plan,” first detailed in her opinion editorial in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on April 5, 2012, freezes federal spending at 2012 levels and then reduces it by two percent each year through 2016.
* At that point, as revenues finally catch up with outlays, the United States will again record a balanced budget and be able to pay down government debt.
* The final part of her plan is to ensure that budgets remain balanced in the future by enacting a state-ratified Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, together with a requirement that tax increases must be approved by a two-thirds super-majority.

At the debate, Radtke also warned Republicans that the party could not risk another undisciplined campaign for the U.S. Senate. Six years ago, the Democrats’ success in Virginia gave them the 60th vote that they needed to pass ObamaCare.

“We cannot afford to run another undisciplined campaign that gifts this seat once again to the Democrats,” Radtke said. “We must have a candidate that can present a clear contrast, run an energetic campaign and demonstrate that our party, at this crucial time in history, is ready to govern responsibly.”

Radtke’s resolve to eliminate the federal deficit will present Republicans with the strongest possible contrast to Democrats in the general election. Her steadfastness also appeals to independent voters, who are looking for a Senator with the necessary leadership skills to pull the country out of its current economic and social problems.

In her closing statement, Radtke said: “Now is the time to elect a Senator who means what she says and has the discipline to deliver.”

Virginians go to the polls to choose their GOP Senate candidate on June 12.


George Allen Outlines Choice Facing Virginians in November

Roanoke, VA – Today, George Allen participated in a Republican primary debate in Roanoke, Virginia, organized by the Republican Party of Virginia. Allen utilized the opportunity to talk about his optimism and positive solutions for a better future in America – one where every American has the freedom to learn, work, start a business and raise a family unhindered by an overreaching federal government. Following the debate, Delegate Greg Habeeb (R-Salem) and State Senator Ralph Smith (R-Roanoke) issued the following statements:

“This debate reminds all Virginians that the November election is a choice between two futures,” said Delegate Greg Habeeb. “We have a choice between more government, higher taxes and fewer jobs under Tim Kaine or George Allen’s proven record of reducing tax burdens, cutting regulations and creating jobs in Virginia. Virginians have already endured Tim Kaine’s failed economic policies, and we need George Allen in the U.S. Senate with his positive solutions to get America back on track.”

“I’m glad that this debate helped more Virginians hear about George Allen’s vision, ideas and solutions for reining in the government and empowering small businesses and families throughout Virginia,” said Senator Ralph Smith. “George Allen is the only candidate in this race with an economic record that created 300,000 net new jobs and cut taxes over $600 million for Virginians. While some people say that Washington is too polarized to get anything constructive done, George Allen has a proven record of working with people of both parties to bring positive solutions to Virginia. Now we need his leadership in the U.S. Senate.”