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Gingrich ready to drop presidential bid on May Day, endorse Romney

[1]Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who said he would re-assess [2] his campaign for president after the results came in from the Delaware primary (which he lost [3] to Mitt Romney), is apparently going to bring his bid to an end…on May Day [4]:

The former House speaker will “more than likely” endorse Mitt Romney when he makes his announcement to either suspend or end the campaign, a source said.

The decision comes after Gingrich huddled with senior advisers following the five primaries Romney swept on Tuesday night. Romney’s victories made it virtually impossible for Gingrich to secure the 1,144 delegates needed for the Republican nomination.

The end of Gingrich’s effort will leave only Rep. Ron Paul as an active challenger to Romney.

Gingrich’s ups and downs in the campaign are well-known. However, he could be a very strong campaign asset for Romney, should Newt choose to participate.

And yes, having Gingrich as, say, press secretary in a Romney administration would be a thing of beauty. Or terrifying.