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Abortion Cheerleaders Lied: Regulations result in no abortion clinic closings

Remember the outcry when Virginia Republicans advocated requiring abortion clinics to be held to the same standards as hospitals?

Remember how the abortion cheerleaders said that abortion providers were going to be put out of business because of a law requiring high medical standards?

National Abortion Rights Action League [1]‘s Virginia head honcho Tarina Keene led the lying whinefest.

“These are designed to really cease first-trimester abortion services in the Commonwealth of Virginia.” Tarina Keene

She also went on MSNBC to say that the regulations would force the “majority” would close their doors.

Math was never Tarina’s strong suit. 20 out of 23 Virginia abortion providers either already comply or plan to, and 2 aren’t impacted by the regulations. (Virginian-Pilot [2])

That’s 96% that are chugging along just fine.

One clinic stopped doing abortions. That’s 4%. For those of you who watch MSNBC, 4% isn’t a majority. And none “closed their doors.” For Tarina, that’s a big ZERO percent.

In 2006, we were warned about how clogged our court system would be if Virginia passed the Marriage Amendment. It’s 2012, and that clog must be around somewhere. The left wouldn’t just lie about something like that, would they? I’m sure that court clog is gonna happen any day now. Soon. Maybe. Someday.

Here, they attacked Republicans and claimed that decent medical regulations would cause most women’s health centers to shut down. None of them shut down.

Surprise! Yet again, lefty lies fall apart.

Nevermind that if decent medical standards are enough to shut down an abortion clinic, what does that say about the abortion cheerleaders? They want you to get an abortion no matter how low the medical standards are? The left has their own “war on women.”

And they’re willing to say anything, whether it’s true or not, to win it.