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Goode wins Constitution Party presidential nomination

Former Rep. Virgil Goode is now presidential candidate [1] Virgil Goode, having secured the Constitution Party [2] nomination yesterday:

He plans to attract voters such as Democrats that are dissatisfied with President Barack Obama and Republicans that don’t align with potential nominee Mitt Romney’s policy positions, Goode said.

“Romney’s and Obama’s positions are not all that different. There’s not much distinction,” Goode said. “My position would be significantly different from either of them.”

The RT’s write-up focuses a lot on illegal immigration. And if that was all there was to both the Party and Goode’s campaign, it would indeed be different from the two major party candidates — and a lot like the old “Know Nothings.” A somewhat broader interview with Goode appears here [3].

For those who want to know more, the CP’s platform covers a lot of conservative and even a few libertarian bases [4]. It’s pro-life, for a strong national defense and strongly supports property rights. The Party wants to “abolish Congressional pensions” and repeal the 17th Amendment on the direct election of Senators, and while they are at it, repeal the 16th Amendment, too (and with it, the federal income tax).

They remain drug warriors like the rest of the political establishment, but they are also keen to note that even the drug war has limits:

At the same time, we will take care to prevent violations of the Constitutional and civil rights of American citizens. Searches without probable cause and seizures without due process must be prohibited, and the presumption of innocence must be preserved.

Which dovetails nicely with the section on terrorism:

The “war on terrorism” is serving as an excuse for the government to spend beyond its income, expand the Federal bureaucracy, and socialize the nation through taxpayer bailouts of the airlines, subsidies to the giant insurance corporations, and other Federal programs.

We deplore and vigorously oppose legislation and executive action that deprive the people of their rights secured under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments under the guise of “combating terrorism” or “protecting national security.” Examples of such legislation are the National Security Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the proposed Domestic Securities Enhancement Act (colloquially known as “Patriot II”), and the Military Commissions Act.


The cold fact, though, is that the CP is a minor party that has to fight its way on to state ballots in every election cycle. In 2008, it was on 37 state ballots [5] (it held the “Independent Green” slot [6] in Virginia that year). Mr. Goode will generate some interest — especially in Virginia. He’s not going to be the next president…but he will definitely add spice to the otherwise bland presidential soup.