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Say goodnight, Newt

Even though former House Speaker says he intends to take his presidential campaign all the way to Tampa, it’s unlikely to get past Tallahassee. Sheldon Adelson, who has bankrolled the super PAC that has kept newt’s campaign going says Gingrich is now “at the end of his line.” The video interview with Adelson is quite interesting, if for nothing else than to see the haymakers he throws at Romney and Santorum:

There’s also the matter of a secret meeting over the weekend [1] between Gingrich and Romney. Afterwards:

…the former House speaker says he has made no deal to end his bid for the GOP nomination.

So they must have spent their time talking about the weather and the Tebow trade to the Jets. It really doesn’t matter. If Adelson says Newt is at the end of the line, his campaign is done.

But here’s hoping that Mr. Gingrich has a substantial role to play in the eventual nominee’s campaign — and the next administration.