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Fairfax teacher forces students to dig up Republican dirt

Liberty Middle School in Fairfax County, Virginia needs a name change.

How about “The Center for Opposition Research to Bash Republicans?”

The Daily Caller [1] reports that the Middle School has a class where students are ordered to dig up dirt on Republican Presidential candidates and then figure out how to send the dirt to the Obama Presidential campaign.

Sounds like the makings of a Journalism track.

Of course, there was absolutely no interest by the teacher involved to direct students to investigate Barack Obama and send the results to Republican candidates. Nope! Just go after the Republicans and report your findings to Chairman …Oops,….President Obama.

How this teacher is not fired is beyond me.

And the Principal, too, who approved of the assignments.

I know Fairfax is part of the People’s Republic of Northern Virginia and all, but isn’t there some sense of dignity left?

Some are saying the only problem is that these Middle School Muckrackers are only sent to trash Republicans and be involuntary soldiers in the Obama campaign, but I think it’s more than that.

The Principal now claims that students should’ve had the choice to throw mud at any candidate, Republican or Democrat.

While that is an easy answer to say, I think we should demand a bit more than balanced mudslinging.

Shouldn’t teachers be encouraging these young minds to look for reason to vote FOR people, not raking up dirt to throw at others?

Shouldn’t education be a calling for a higher level of analysis?

Shouldn’t liberals practice the “civil tone in politics” to which they demand everyone on the right adhere?

The Principal and Teacher should admit their flagrant errors in jugement, set an example and resign.