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“It’s working. You’re welcome.”

That was the bumper sticker on a beige Prius that cut me off in traffic this morning on I-66. Next to the text was a bright, shiny Obama for President O symbol.

There’s nothing like condescending snark from a bad Prius driver to start the day, is there?

I really can’t find a more succinct way of explaining the world view of Democrats inside the beltway. Not just the elected officials, but the individual voters too. What that bumper sticker really says is “It’s working for me, you’re welcome.”  For Democrats inside the beltway, it’s easy to say that it’s working – we’ve been spared the brunt of the recession.  Unemployment never hit the national average in Northern Virginia, and we’re one of two areas in the country where home values are still rising.  It’s easy to say “it’s working” when you’re living in the bubble.

The fact is, for millions of Americans “it” isn’t working. The policies of this Administration aren’t helping them. Unemployment is still too high and the last three years of the President’s term have seen millions more jobs lost than created.

Nearly everyone in America has been hit by the recession, regardless of where you are in life, your educational or experience background. I spent nine months out of work at the beginning of the Obama Administration and didn’t get back into the workforce until I started my own company. This was the first and only time in my adult life – from 16 til now – where I’d been out of work. My father spent five months unemployed for the first time since the mid-1980s, and was only able to find a new job by moving five hours and half a state away from home. And it took him almost a year and a half to sell his house, so he was commuting five hours each week to see his family with younger kids each weekend.

Is that what they mean by “It’s working?”  The quality of life for millions of Americans – even those with jobs – has been hurt by this recession and we’re supposed to believe that everything is under control?

Right now, our fiscal house isn’t in order and the Democrats don’t want it to be.  They’ve spent the last 24 hours bashing the Ryan Budget, while the Democratic Senate hasn’t passed an actual budget for almost four years.  The President’s budget is a costly waste of trees that ends up in the circular file without even being opened.  The fact is, there has been little leadership from the President after the failed stimulus on anything related to job creation or the economy.  It’s all been focused on health care, environmental and financial services overregulation with a couple of feel good foreign policy wins sprinkled in for good measure.  When it comes to the primary reason he got elected – to fix the economy – the President’s leadership is sorely lacking.

In terms of the deficit, we’re on our way to a third year of record deficits with no end in sight and no clear way to getting back to even. For all of the complaints Democrats make about how George W. Bush turned surpluses into deficits, they are in no hurry to get us back to surpluses. Their only solution is to raise taxes on the rich, despite that fact that doing so doesn’t come even close to closing the gap.

We’re still in year two of the front-loading of four years of taxes to help keep up the appearance that the Affordable Care Act isn’t a budget buster. The CBO just blew that up, though, shifting its predicted cost of Obamacare from $940 billion to $1.76 trillion over the next ten years – almost double what was projected.

And not a single person has gotten benefits yet, and they won’t until 2014.

As for government, ask anybody who has to do business with the Federal Government and they will tell you that they have never seen a more dysfunctional, incompetent federal bureaucracy than the one across the Potomac right now. While it’s easy to point the finger at civil servants, it’s not their fault – most of the career staff that was working during the last Administration is still there. It’s the President’s political appointments that are to blame, led largely by his constitutionally questionable lobbyist ban.

But for the guy in the beige Prius, “it’s working.” It’s that kind of arrogant attitude that has turned off so many regular people from the Democrats and this president. I’m glad it’s working for him, but for millions of Americans, it’s not working. And it won’t be until we get a President who understands that and will do more about it than mouth platitudes while pushing a completely unrelated agenda.

Hopefully we can get our Presidential candidates to stop talking about contraception, global warming, and Robert DeNiro’s jokes and start talking the real issues this election will turn on.