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Virginia’s Out-Dated Puritanical ABC Laws Have to Go

Good grief.

It is a constant source of embarrassment attempting to explain away the monotony and never-ending out of date laws by the Virginia ABC department. Seriously, how have these not been updated, it’s 2012!

To whit:

– No advertising in windows of specials or anything to entice you to come inside (if you’ve ever wondered why you’ve never seen a Bud Light, Miller Light, Budweiser neon sign in any bar window anywhere in the Commonwealth, that’s why)*

*in a sign of ‘progress’, in 2009 ABC authorized one 17×22 sign to be displayed with happy hour TIMES on it outside a bar/restaurant, but not what’s available or the prices…you know, what might drive people into the establishment

– No promotion of happy hour/drink specials on websites, facebook, twitter, etc

– No adjectives or descriptive phrases that may encourage drinking (i.e. the word ‘COLD’ in front of the word ‘BEER’ because knowing it was cold would make you want to drink it more)

– It’s illegal to discount alcohol in bars/restaurants (thus no 2 for 1, 25% off, etc)

– No flaming shots…or any more than two drinks at one time (not the biggest deal, but still stupid)

– Cannot call it BEER Pong, it has to be just ‘Pong’ or ‘Bar Pong’…seriously

– You may not receive an email update with happy hour specials, but you may receive a direct mail notification of specials

– No ‘all-you-can-drink’ specials. Ever.

– No mention of food discounts with happy hour (i.e. no pitcher of beer plus wings for a flat rate)

There’s more moronic-ness to be found here to be certain, but there’s a starting point.

The question is why?

Why in the 21st century, in a world where every sporting event is sponsored by the official beer sponsor of the _____ and on every highway is a giant billboard advertising Jose Cuervo, Captain Morgan, Absolut, etc (also on TV) and every person in the state knows that restaurants/bars have happy hours (GASP!) then why?

There’s never been a solid answer from the ABC. Sure they’ve given some vague pandering statements about stopping drunk driving, discouraging ‘binge’ drinking (whatever that means), curbing the ‘abuse’ of alcohol and bridle bad behavior. If none of those resonate with you, they shouldn’t*. Such falsities echo hollow coming from a government agency deeming themselves in charge of regulating citizen behavior within the state.

*please spare me any notion that I don’t care about drunk driving.
1) the vast majority of people do not abuse/binge/overconsume alcohol, and if they do they’re not dumb enough to drive. It’s pandering.
2) Virginia has out-of-date laws, Maryland doesn’t. 2007 statistics (last year full available), Virginia – 24,170 arrests for drunk driving. Maryland – 24,230. whoops.

It is baffling in a state that leads the nation in ‘open for business’ and best for business, we maintain and continue to perpetuate these anti-business and oppressive laws. Virginia doesn’t exist in a vacuum, we’re surrounded on three sides by neighbors with far less regulation on the selling of alcohol to the public. Northern Virginians have the benefit of not one but two options for bars, Maryland and Washington DC which can entice people with advertisements and specials. Virginia is at a competitive disadvantage, and it’s government handcuffing them.

Even something as innocuous as posting on facebook turns into a frenzy for some reason. Dave Englin and Dave Albo both proposed bills this past session to authorize posting on a website or facebook. A patron can CALL a business direct and find out about the specials, but if a guest goes to a website? FORBIDDEN. (if you’re wondering what sense that makes, you’re not alone, it doesn’t make any) Both Delegates thought an updating of the policy was in order, and rightfully so (although it’s about fifteen years late, but kudos for the effort, chaps) The bill passed the House unanimously, but then died in the Senate because it was too ‘controversial.’

Given the bills and outcry from the left on the bills that were taken up by the legislature this past session, the idea that allowing a bar to post specials on facebook (which they do already by the way, open your eyes legislators) was too ‘controversial’ is laughable on it’s face(book). Do legislators really think that by changing these out-dated regulations there’s going to be people going out to the bar the day they turn 21? Cause that NEVER happens.

Seriously, is there some pent-up demand for alcohol that Virginia is somehow keeping from overpowering the state? Is there a shortage? Or that young adults of legal age will drink more if some of these stupid laws were change?

We are the party of small government, the party of as little obstruction in the lives of ordinary citizens, yet Virginia has a department devoted to regulating the daily behavior of it’s citizens! How is this okay?! We are stifling both business and our citizens are the same time through the oppression of government regulation. If bars/restaurants get to promote more, it’s more money for the state through revenue, excise taxes and more! It feeds the coffers, it benefits the citizens, it benefits businesses and owners. This isn’t a family values discussion, alcohol is legal in Virginia, it exists and yes, some may abuse it, yet the vast majority of tax-paying citizens do not. But they are the ones who are being punished for the absurdity of few, and businesses are paying the price.

We believe in the free-market, but not if it serves alcohol? We believe in personal responsibility, but we’ll still monitor your behavior. We believe in smaller government, unless you’re thinking about drinking.

Virginia’s regulations are hurting it’s consumers, it’s businesses and it’s reputation. Think about the East Coast. Where have your best night out experiences been (excluding your local favorite) Washington DC. New York. Miami. Boston. Philly. Atlantic City. Atlanta. Who ever says oh that one bar in Virginia Beach, or Richmond, or Arlington? No one.

Virginia is for lovers*. *So long as you don’t want to know about where to get a good price on drinks, or have beer described to you to make you want to drink it, or look up specials on facebook, or get a flaming shot, or order more than two drinks, or publicize a happy hour special, or …..

The video below is a little out of date, but highlights the stupidity of ABC regulations.
Virginia ABC [1]