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The left acts out on Republicans’ Facebook pages

I believe that on the left, this [1] is considered “raising the tone of debate”:

Virginia seems to have ushered in a new protest genre: the gynecological overshare.

Virginia Republicans who helped pass a law requiring women to get an ultrasound before an abortion found their political Facebook pages flooded this week with the kind of information normally reserved for the ob/gyn.

“Senator McDougle, I am almost 49 and STILL menstruating with no sign of slowing down!,” began a comment posted on Sen. Ryan McDougle (R-Hanover)’s page. “Frankly, I’ve had enough of this inconvenience — the cost of pads and pain reliever and all the mess- well YOU know how it is. You’re an expert on this lady stuff.”

And there’s more floating around the web — screen captures and whatnot — if you’re really interested in seeing it.

But it’s all of a piece. The left is angry. When they get angry, they act out.

A normal parental repose to such behavior amongst toddlers is to put the offending ids in time out until they’ve calmed down. It might work for these over-stimulated ids, too.