What is it with the Obama Administration and our national symbols?

First they came for the barred owl,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a barred owl.

Two weeks ago, we learned that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was considering killing barred owls, a.k.a. hoot owls in favor of preserving the nothern spotted owl.

I guess to parphrase Orwell, some owls are more equal than others.

But now we learn that now, in the name of religious freedom the same U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is allowing the Northern Arapahoe Tribe to kill two bald eagles.

Just five years ago, the bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list. It’s against federal law to kill bald eagles.

So while the Obama Administration tries to tell the Catholic Bishops they don’t know their own theology, in turn the same Administration (although admittedly different branches) is allowing the destruction of our national symbol.

Will no one sit in a tree on behalf of these elegant birds?

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