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Freedom of Religion, Chicago-style

In the wake of their decision to force Catholic institutions to abandon their beliefs – after specifically promising they would not do so – leftists have counted on those of us who are unapologetic defenders of religious freedom to be at something of a loss for words following the indiscretions and pounding of Rush Limbaugh.

Further, they have expected us to take a defensive posture on their highly coordinated narrative that Republicans are “waging war on women.” This, in order to do what this administration does best: change the subject. Yes, change the subject away from the economy, unemployment, the national debt and the myriad other disasters that are the sum total of this administration, all of which they can not discuss.

Nice try.

Poll numbers in that right-wing rag, the New York Times, reveal that Obama has hit rock bottom [1], with his approval rating at its lowest ever, 41%, and his support among women diminishing.

But when it comes to the whole issue of religious freedom, it will be well worth your while to listen to this articulation of just what the Obama administration has done [2]. It draws together all the pieces and makes the case better than any argument I have heard.